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Restorations/Stain Removal Tips
Stain Removal Tips

A word of caution!
The stain removal methods we are sharing have been collected from a variety of sources, but we have not personally tested them all. Therefore, Holywear and its staff cannot be responsible for the results you achieve. The suggestions below are just that: suggestions. However; if you find a better method that works, let us know and we'll add it in. e-mail us

There are many heirloom quality vestments in trunks and closets throughout the world. Age and wear have diminished the beauty and usefulness of these fine pieces. We would be honored to restore or recycle these old pieces. For us it is a way to learn from old masters while resurrecting the beautiful and irreplaceable work of long ago. So if you hesitate to attempt stain removal and mending...give us a try. An example of our work can be found to the right. restoration inquiry

Stain removal tips for common problems
CANDLE WAX: Scrape off most of the wax. This can be facilitated by placing the fabric in the freezer and making the wax brittle. For the remaining wax, place the stained surface down on a clean white rag and spray with WD-40 (a light oil available at hardware stores), let stand a few minutes, turn fabric over and spray the other side. Apply liquid dishwashing detergent and work into the stained area, moving the rag as it absorbs the stain. Wash in hot water with laundry detergent and bleach (if appropriate) for about 15 minutes (use heavy soiled setting if there is no minute timer on your machine) and rinse in warm water. Drip dry and check for residual stain. In the case of colored wax there may still be a color stain. Sponge with a liquid made by adding a half cup of denatured alcohol to a half cup of water. ~~~~~ SCORCH MARKS: Scorch marks on cellulosic fibers (cotton, linen and tencel) are different from true stains in that the actual fibers are damaged. Severe marks on any fabric, and scorch marks on wool and silk can seldom be restored. Brushing with fine emery paper may improve a scorched woollen surface. Very light scorch marks can often be removed by immediate washing with your usual laundry product, followed by a day in the sun. Alternatively, sponge with 1 Tbsp. borax in 1 cup of warm water. Light scorch marks on white materials can be bleached with hydrogen peroxide. Dampen a rag of white cotton cloth with hydrogen peroxide and lay it covering the mark. Cover with a clean dry cloth, then press with a medium warm iron. If the peroxide soaks through the top cloth, move to a dry position. Repeat the treatment until the stain is removed. Rinse well in warm water. Light scorch marks on any fabric (test colors first) may be treated by sponging with diluted hydrogen peroxide to which a few drops of ammonia have been added. Rinse well in warm water. ~~~~~~ TARNISH STAINS (from Brass or silver) Metallic stains from belts, jewellery, etc., sometimes stain clothes. Sponge with vinegar, lemon juice or 10% solution acetic acid (check synthetics first). For tarnished metallic fabrics, e.g. lamé, boil in salt water (2 Tbsp. per cup). Not suitable for synthetics. Otherwise, sponge with denatured alcohol or try dry cleaning fluid. ~~~~~ WATER SPOTS Some silks (organza, notably), rayons and wools are spotted by water. To remove such spots, hold in the steam from a rapidly boiling kettle. It is wise to cover the spout with muslin first to prevent any droplets of water reaching the fabric. Allow the fabric to become damp, but not wet. Shake and press while still slightly damp, rubbing, if possible, with a piece of the same or a similar material, or with fingernail or spoon. Water stains on carpets become brown because of impurities from backing or underfelt. Mop up spills, wipe with cool water, cover with pad of blotting paper, tissues or absorbent cloth. Weight down with books, etc., and dry quickly with the aid of fan heaters, vacuum exhaust, etc. This causes stain to wick through to absorbent material. Repeat if required. ~~~~~ WINE Immediately pour club soda or White Wine on the affected area and soak up. Then wash in cold water and ammonia.

restoration project
Old handpainted stole...soiled...wrinkled...stained !!! NOW crisp and good as new.